Dr. Monique Moultrie was promoted to full professor. She had a book review published: Review of Walking Through the Valley: Womanist Explorations in the Spirit of Katie Geneva Cannon edited by Emilie M. Townes, Stacey Floyd-Thomas, Alison P. Gise Johnson, & Angela Sims, Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 78 (2024): 86-87. She gave two talks: "Justice is Spiritual: Faithful Resistance and Black Lesbian Leadership," an Invited Lecture sponsored by the Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies and the Social Science Student Donation Fund, University of Western Ontario, Canada, February 2024. WATER talks: February 2024. She also attended and was a panelist for two conferences in February and March: The Society for the Study of Black Religion and Toward a Common Public Life conferences.
Dr. Molly Bassett presented “Moteuczoma as a Portable Cosmos” with Jeanette Favrot Peterson (Professor emerita, History of Art & Architecture, UCSB) at Emory University’s Michael C. Carlos Museum on March 19th. At the end of April, she presented “Indigenous and non-Indigenous Collaborations in Nahua(tl) Studies” with Nahua scholar Dr. Abelardo de la Cruz (Religious Studies, UNC-Chapel Hill). She is contributing to a special issue of W86th about magic and co-editing a special issue of Theory and Method in the Study of Religion focused on Indigenous epistemologies with Métis scholar Paul Gareau (Associate Professor of Native Studies, University of Alberta). Dr. Bassett received a Tenured Scholarly Support Grant from GSU to support the publication of her book.
Dr. Andrew Walker-Cornetta presented his research on several occasions this winter, including at the American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, the American Society for Church History, and the American Catholic Historical Association. His article "Without the Lord: Eliza Suggs, Religion, and the Good Disabled Subject" was published in the journal American Religion (https://www.muse.jhu.edu/article/916422) and he has helped to organize a forthcoming roundtable for the Journal of Disability & Religion. This summer he will participate in the Biennial Conference on Religion & American Culture in Indianapolis, Indiana.